Thursday, August 30, 2007


Just started doing the chest plate this is what the template looks like at the moment

Using photoshop to create the metallic kind of armour for my main character

What it looks like so far on my character

UV Unwrapping Again..

Some progress on my main character for my machinima and hes now finished unwrapping

Shaded Wireframe

The Unwrap of the head looks a bit funky

Unwrap of the body

What happens when you smooth your model out

Thursday, August 23, 2007

3D Models 2: UV Mapping

Doing The UV mapping which is a major annoyance & pain in the ass but it must be done

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

La Musica

Possible Songs I Plan To Use For My Machinima

As I Lay Dying - Nothing Left/Comfort Betrays
From the album An Ocean Between Us

Himsa - Ruin Them/Summon In Thunder
From the album Summon In Thunder

Full Blown Chaos - Fail Like A Champ/Heavy Lies The Crown
From the album Heavy Lies The Crown

Throwdown - Americana/S.C.U.M
From the album Venom & Tears

Rob Zombie - Scum Of The Earth
From the album The Sinister Urge

Concept Sketches

Just Some Sketches I Quickly Put Together Before Commencing My Storyboards

Monday, August 20, 2007


These are the storyboards for my machinima

Level Design

This is a basic/rough blueprint of the set i am going to use for my machinima project

Audio Script/Scenes

Sebastien’s Machinima Script

Scene 1: The Space Marine wakes up not knowing why he has fallen uncouncious and wakes up to bloody surrondings in a room with dead bodys

- Heavy Breathing from just waking up
- Crying when he sees friends dead
- Gasp when he hears noise coming from outside

Scene 2: He hears a noise and cautiously walks towards the door

- More heavy breathing but trying to keep it discreet

Scene 3: He cautiously walks up the corridor and the noise continues suddenly a hideous monster appears from around the corner and a loud noise happens to scare the watcher

- A loud gasp when he sees the monster
- A scream follows the gasp
- Monster Roar

Scene 4: He runs back down the corridor to where he sees a door named armoury he enters the door

- Loud heavy breathing after being puffed out from running & being shocked

Scene 5: Angry music plays as he reloads his gun and gears up for revenge

Scene 6: He dives out the door and starts shooting angrily at the monsters and killing multiples of them while retreating
- Grunts when the diving around
- Screaming when shooting angrily
- Monster Roars
- Monster dying sound
- Screaming abuse at the monsters
- Loud angry music playing pumping adrenaline

Scene 7: He finishes killing the monsters momentarily and there is a close up of his face and the scene fades out

Scene 8: He wakes up from a nightmare gasping and breathing very heavily out of shock
- “Phew It was only a dream” wipes his face out of relief

Scene 9: He slowly raises himself from the bed and starts stretching
- Yawns

Scene 10: As he’s stretching he hears a slicing cut noise he is confused and touches his stomach he looks at his hand and sees blood as hes about to scream he falls into to two pieces in a pile of blood from the shadows behind him one of the previous monsters appears from the darkness and roars
- Stretching/Yawn noise
- A confused “huh?”
- “What The…”
- Dying gurgling sound
- Monster Roars

Scene 11: Credits Roll With Metal Music Playing

Rough 3D Models

These are rough models for the space marine character in my machinima

& These are rough models for the monster in my machinima

Machinima Project Overview

My machinima project is still yet to be named but it is inspired by movies like aliens AVP Doom and other horror based games that have been adapted to a movie but basically its about a space marine who wakes up not knowing why he had been unconscious and he finds that all his friends/colleagues have been murdered as hes walking around he comes across a monster in a horror kind of way and then he finds the armory and starts slaying heaps of monster and then a twist at the end which i will keep discreet for now...